What an amazing place!, the formation of this beautiful Canyon posts a question; was it formed with a lot of water over a short period of
time or, a little water over a long period of time? Looking NW across the
Canyon, can you imagine an ocean of water spilling across the continent heading
downhill taking everything in it's path! More importantly, an Event Horizon that boggles the mind exits in the depths of the Canyon, so travel down with us!
Grand Canyon Lesson #1 - The
Great Unconformity
This is a cross-sectional view of
the Canyon noting the various layers.
The Colorado River is spilling toward you lower left. Red line denotes the Great Unconformity erosion line.The Great Unconformity is an event horizon where high-speed water flows
eroded the surface of huge granite
blocks across much of the earths surface, plus this broad area noted as the Grand Canyon Supergroup. (below the Red Line). Observe the tilt and fault's of
the Unkar/Chuar groups of sediments, stacked
below the red line (lower center). These were the earth's surface before this
event. Now they are sliced, broken, buried
and tilted.
Its' obvious a huge fault occurred where the Supergroup rocks (igneous) were catastrophically thrusted up and to the
right side of this view. Note that the
Unkar/Chuar zone was in place before
the Canyon forming event and has no
fossils. We see that only a portion of
this "original Earth" remains. (lower center - tilted stack).
a doubt, this cataclysmic feature in the earth's surface is the Event Horizon
of Earth History.
Earth was a completely different place before and was utterly transformed
after this event to cause such erosion plane.
entire face of the early earth was scraped flat and subsequently water carried sediments were re-deposited to leave behind what we see today
in the Canyon and the entire World. This
statement cannot be refuted nor disproved.
Sometime in history we know the super-group
layers were horizontal. One cannot
imagine nor conceive the colossal scale of these events and the environment on
earth while this was happening. The total annihilation of all life on earth
is at stake. (see Dr. Walt Brown's Video below).
All the layers are water
deposited with current action evidence. If there was a World-Wide Flood, what
should a cross-section of the crust look like? Exactly this! The tilted Unkar group (RH side, under red
line) may have been the ground that Adam walked on! The author has been to these locations. The Bible teaches the earth was made "out
of water and with water" so this would explain these mystery lower layers, which show no sign of any fossils, a portion which is open to view in the Canyon!. Does this make sense according to the Bible
accounts? The answer is a resounding Yes!
We see the Origins story of Earth and
subsequent Destruction stamped here in the Rocks! So let's hike further down and take a look!
Tapeats overburden over 1,000ft
Here an interesting picture
begins to unfold. The first mineral formation above the Unconformity is called
the Tapeats Sandstone, a fully water transported deposit over 1000 feet high with fossils. This layer is very uniform. Below this layer no fossils exist. There is little sign of erosion by time here.
First the original creation started
with the basalt crust rocks, then the sediments that made the outer layers,
made with water. Then something
happened, the early earth's surface was destroyed catastrophically, shook by
earthquakes, volcanic action and by fast moving water and sediments! This is the exact sequence we see in the
Canyon and other places on Earth. What
other story makes more sense?
Evolutionists teach this event occurred Million's of years ago creating multiple "placid sea's" that formed
subsequent layers over millions of years - time making things. This story is
not supported in the rocks nor the fossils.
Great Unconformity contact close
up - "placid sea's" melting
In the picture above, you can see
the heat tempering caused by friction, weight and sawing action cutting off the
tops of these granite blocks (actually mountain ranges!) by the Tapeats. This is a highly mineralized zone where
mining occurred in the Canyon. The Park Service signs tell us the Canyon was
formed by 12 or more calm and "placid seas" over many Millions of
years. This concept is not supported by
the rocks however. The Great
Unconformity contact zone exhibits' heat, severe compression and a perfectly
defined event line only 1/2" thick in places. The Unconformity and these water deposited layers pushed by currents tells a history story in the
rocks, a serious story.
Fossils in the Canyon
Remember the Nautiloids: In the Grand Canyon there is a limestone layer that runs over 250 miles of the canyon from Arizona to Las Vegas that contains tens of millions of fossils with an average of one nautiloid fossil per four square meters, with nearly one in seven fossilized standing upright! Famed geologist Dr. Steve Austin points out that this enormous nautiloid deposition covers more than 5,000 square miles, provides indisputable proof of the rapid formation of this limestone layer.(1) Contrast this textbook explanation's which claim that such layers form extremely slowly as grain by grain settles to the bottom of a shallow and placid sea. (2) It should be noted that most of these creatures are of uniform age all across these rocks.
Water trapped above the canyon zone has been identified
An ancient lake shore has been located north of the Canyon that most likely trapped water held by a natural dam after the flood waters receded. Another event likely triggered the soft material dam failure, and like the Missoula flood breakouts, emptied a volume of water equal to Lake Huron across the still soft sediments of the Canyon area, cutting the gorges and side canyons we see today, possibly in only a few days.
Fossils in the Canyon
Remember the Nautiloids: In the Grand Canyon there is a limestone layer that runs over 250 miles of the canyon from Arizona to Las Vegas that contains tens of millions of fossils with an average of one nautiloid fossil per four square meters, with nearly one in seven fossilized standing upright! Famed geologist Dr. Steve Austin points out that this enormous nautiloid deposition covers more than 5,000 square miles, provides indisputable proof of the rapid formation of this limestone layer.(1) Contrast this textbook explanation's which claim that such layers form extremely slowly as grain by grain settles to the bottom of a shallow and placid sea. (2) It should be noted that most of these creatures are of uniform age all across these rocks.
http://www.icr.org/article/hands-lesson-rapid-fossil-formation (1)
Evolutionary Eye Problem
The horizontal layers above the Unconformity have fossils of all types in abundance, hence their name - Cambrian. But why are there no fossils found in the "Pre-Cambrian" (pre-life) subset below the Unconformity? It's because God did not put life on the earth until He was done forming it. Fossils are made by quick sediment covering, otherwise they deteriorate and skeletal structures dismember. It should be noted that fauna from the Ordovician and Silurian are missing in the Canyon, fouling the Geologic chart of evolutionary Common Decent, (e.g. worms to man). Actually creatures like Trilobites existed on the pre-flood sea floor here in great numbers. These animals have been found in soft body (New York State) where their eye anatomy was studied. Turns out they have a very complex lens, capable of adjusting for underwater aberration. Below the trilobites in the sea floor sediments in the Canyon we find worm fossils, so evolutionists claim trilobites came from worms! They don’t offer an explanation for the complex transition required or the eye problem, other than one day a worm had a light sensitive spot that evolved into an eye, then two of them! To postulate such fairytales is telling of the evolutionist's rendering of earth history, a history they write to support their views, despite solid contrary evidence.
The rocks below the Unconformity are melted granite's and
schist's. It takes immense heat to melt either. At this contact evolutionists claim that life
began in "calm and placid seas".
Somehow 500 million years of their common
decent time is missing here.The horizontal layers above the Unconformity have fossils of all types in abundance, hence their name - Cambrian. But why are there no fossils found in the "Pre-Cambrian" (pre-life) subset below the Unconformity? It's because God did not put life on the earth until He was done forming it. Fossils are made by quick sediment covering, otherwise they deteriorate and skeletal structures dismember. It should be noted that fauna from the Ordovician and Silurian are missing in the Canyon, fouling the Geologic chart of evolutionary Common Decent, (e.g. worms to man). Actually creatures like Trilobites existed on the pre-flood sea floor here in great numbers. These animals have been found in soft body (New York State) where their eye anatomy was studied. Turns out they have a very complex lens, capable of adjusting for underwater aberration. Below the trilobites in the sea floor sediments in the Canyon we find worm fossils, so evolutionists claim trilobites came from worms! They don’t offer an explanation for the complex transition required or the eye problem, other than one day a worm had a light sensitive spot that evolved into an eye, then two of them! To postulate such fairytales is telling of the evolutionist's rendering of earth history, a history they write to support their views, despite solid contrary evidence.
Water trapped above the canyon zone has been identified
An ancient lake shore has been located north of the Canyon that most likely trapped water held by a natural dam after the flood waters receded. Another event likely triggered the soft material dam failure, and like the Missoula flood breakouts, emptied a volume of water equal to Lake Huron across the still soft sediments of the Canyon area, cutting the gorges and side canyons we see today, possibly in only a few days.
One cannot be effected by
adventuring into the Canyon depths and reflect about what the Rocks are really telling us. Not a "calm and placid" origin at
all. This feature of the Earth is perfect evidence of the World-Wide Flood. God's Word tells us that the first judgment
was by water, but another is coming by fire.
We need to pay attention to these truths and warnings and search them
out. The immensity of the Flood event
challenges the ability of the mind to comprehend it. Reflecting upon it is both humbling and
fearful at the same time. Trapping marine
animals over 50ft in length thousands of feet high in the mountains and the thousands of fossil beds, some containing Billions of creatures
is mind-boggling to conceive. They and
the people that perished are all calling to us, See, Act! look at all this evidence!
Many people say God is non-existent
or is unjust, the author of death and pain.
But this is not true, few people know that the Bible teaches that after
Christ was crucified he traveled to a holding place in the earth. Here were held the spirits of those lost in
the flood! He spoke to them - He gave
them another chance! He is the judge
of people's actions and motives, He see's all and knows all. He is good, we can trust Him! The other side is this; the next judgment will
have no escape path. We are responsible and God gave His Son to guide us. All will hear; and all will be judged.
To connect with the God who did
this becomes important. Through Jesus
Christ we have that venue too embrace the Creator and His Son, and receive the same pass Noah and his family received, by faith!
Christ mentions this event, He
"Just as in the days of Noah,
so shall the coming of the Son of Man be" - in a day!
Please search the truths out and God will meet you. Now is the time, do not wait. Events in the world now tells us that the Second Judgment the Bible teaches is coming! Thank You for your time!
For additional information, see "Grand Canyon II" and "Last Mountain Standing" in this series.
Dr. Browns Video below will challenge your understanding of earth's first hydrological systems, which were spring head rivers and evening and morning dew based watering without rainfall. This is completely unlike today's evaporation, condensation and rainfall systems that include snow. Open to Genesis Chapters 1-10 and compare!
Please search the truths out and God will meet you. Now is the time, do not wait. Events in the world now tells us that the Second Judgment the Bible teaches is coming! Thank You for your time!
For additional information, see "Grand Canyon II" and "Last Mountain Standing" in this series.
Dr. Browns Video below will challenge your understanding of earth's first hydrological systems, which were spring head rivers and evening and morning dew based watering without rainfall. This is completely unlike today's evaporation, condensation and rainfall systems that include snow. Open to Genesis Chapters 1-10 and compare!
God Bless you!
Video by MIT Dr.Walt Brown ▶ The Hydroplate Theory - The Flood ( Newer version! ) - YouTube
▶ Missoula Flood Documentary Teaser with Michael Oard - YouTube
Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 1 with Dr. Andrew Snelling
Copyrights 2014 by Mark D. Rose All rights reserved
Video by MIT Dr.Walt Brown ▶ The Hydroplate Theory - The Flood ( Newer version! ) - YouTube
▶ Missoula Flood Documentary Teaser with Michael Oard - YouTube
Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 1 with Dr. Andrew Snelling
Copyrights 2014 by Mark D. Rose All rights reserved