Everything we hear about origins attaches millions and billions of years to every animal, vegetable and mineral object in sight, but is this all true? A
recent 8-year study by a group of experienced PhD scientists re-sampled the same US sites used to date the earth
as Billions of years old back in the 1960's and 70's, found that the 4 major
isotope dating systems were non-concordant between each other, some by over 500
Mill years, and further, inconsistent with many non-nuclear dating standards. We take for granted "nuclear isotope" means some type of super-clock, but in fact, thats not what these methods use at all.
diabase sill in Grand Canyon displays discordant isochron “ages” rangingfrom
841.5±164 Ma (K-Ar whole-rock isochron) to 1379±140 Ma (Sm-Ndmineral
isochron)". (Rate Project findings) (1,1A)
Other dating systems with verifiable decay rates conflicted with all the isotope results. Challenges come from HE and AR gas known escape rate in rocks (<10,000 Y), C14 in diamonds, and PO214 evidence (PO having a 1/2 life measured in seconds, who's decay halo's appear in many minerals, fossils and crystalline granites, contradicting old age formation theories in those mineral structures) (2). In another study, a fresh flow over the rim of the Grand Canyon dated a billion years older than a flow at the bottom, befuddling evolutionary time charts.(3) The team was also encouraged by a recent (2013) anomaly reported around the world by laboratories, stunned to see their nuclear clocks hick-up, possibly due to sun spot activity and putting in question the entire isotope decay accuracy as the RATE PROJECT team suspected. (4)
http://www.icr.org/article/rate-news-release/ (1)
http://www.icr.org/rate/ (1A)
Earth's Magnetic Field
Protective net and navigational guide
should be noted that Earth's magnetic field is decaying so rapidly that
aeronautical charts are updated in 90 day cycles due to isogonic line
shift. If this decay rate was reversed
the earth would be too magnetic to support life only 10,000 yeas ago. (1)
Steen's Mountains are an enigma for long age hypothesis, its "scarp
face" formation is an exposure of the "Columbia Basalts" catastrophic lava flow(s) that erupted only a few thousand years ago and
flowed East. In its exposed faces an
important discovery was made using "Paleomagnetic dating"
analysis. It was found (as Dr. Russ Humphies
predicted years before) that rapid reversals of the magnetic poles (where North
and south Switched) in a matter of hours occurred during the flow sequences. Nothing survived in Oregon (and maybe the entire
world) during that period, much action occurred under water. The John Day Fossil beds and most of Oregon
geology as we know it today formed during this period. The Willamette valley was formed as part of the
"Missoula Flood " sequence that occurred after the Ice Age that followed
this event. Water was trapped behind a
huge natural dam in Western Montana that cyclically flooded most of Western Oregon
and formed it features, including the
sediments of the fertile valley we enjoy today.
The author has visited this area for over 40 years.
As noted, the Earth's magnetic field is decaying. (1) These calculations also follow out to the
other planets in our solar system. This is "smoking gun" evidence that
the Earth and Solar System is very young.
The question is - how can the magnetic fields we know are all relatively
weak and getting weaker not be more than background noise if the Earth and Solar
System were billions of years old? (2)
For this question long-age proponents have no answer.
A few
uniform time clocks to consider;
River Delta sediments
Topsoil Sediments
Magnetic Field strength
Radio Carbon influx
Human Population (note below)*
Moon Dust
Sun Shrinkage
C-14 in Pre-Cambrian Wood
At the current rate of erosion, all Earth's mountains would be worn flat in 17M years!
* If we took all the bones of just the people that have died in just 1 million years the entire universe would not contain the volume of bones 10 26, so how can Billion year long ages be true?
http://www.icr.org/article/292/ (1)
So as we have learned, there are volumes of evidence for a young earth. The lines of conflict seem to be directly related philosophically between evolutionists and Intelligent Design objective thinkers...
The Dinosaurs
The Dinosaurs
A T-Rex
from 65 million years ago?, or maybe not.
A topic
too broad to cover here, but it must be stated that soft tissue parts of T-Rex
have now been undeniably identified, so much for 65 Million year old
T-Rex! Picture of blood cell slide (1)
http://www.ksl.com/?nid=1012&sid=22746901 (1)
The Plesiosaur, the most common large marine
fossil in the world, found buried in flood deposits at high altitudes?
So why
are we finding these girls at high altitudes buried in flood deposits? Ever try to throw mud on a
lively female and pregnant Plesiosaur!
This is evidence of a massive water catastrophe. A
pregnant Plesiosaur was found complete and is now on display in Los Angeles;
'Drs. O'Keefe and Chiappe have also determined that plesiosaurs were
unique among aquatic reptiles in giving birth to a single, large offspring, and
that they may have lived in social groups and engaged in parental care. Plesiosaurs have no known living relatives,
but were common in the world's oceans during the Age of Dinosaurs. (1) Is there a story here these gals are trying to tell us? Yes, the Flood account in the Bible is true
fossil and its skeletal diagram above, as in the picture of the recent Montana
find, the skull is in cased in the sandstone block on the right. Note that neither came with a tag saying,
"I died 75 Million years ago".
How do they know?
interest is the water sediment burial common to all Plesiosaur fossils found
around the Earth. Also noteworthy is one
found in Kansas (1) carrying a young
pup, (perplexing to evolutionists, who assumed marine reptiles were egg
layers), and two very recent findings, one near Livingston, Montana (pictured
above) and another near Mitchell, Oregon (2)
both located at high desert altitudes over 3000 ft! Think of a watery
catastrophe so massive as to catch a 25ft long Plesiosaur and preserve it in
mud/sand in the mountains! Interestingly
enough, evolutionary paleontologists quickly dated the 'mud' layers where these
animals were found as 75 million years old, mainly because they contained a Plesiosaur they say lived at that time frame according to the chart of
evolutionary time, not based on some outside method of dating! Think of it, how can you catch a live
Plesiosaur and quickly cover it in sediments?
should be noted that the Plesiosaur was so common that its considered the keynote fossil
that initaited the discovery of dinosaurs fossils in
the 1800's. All these are found preserved in
water deposited sediments, but how were aquatic
Plesiosaurs deposited at such high altitudes in the West? Fossil beds exist around the world, some over
a mile deep.(3)
Whitcome - The Genesis Flood (3) Karoo Deposit, South Africa
The Mosasaur, another one
with soft tissue?
recently as 2010, a newly discovered ten-foot-long mosasaur fossil was discovered along the Missouri River in South
Dakota; "Its "remarkable" preservation not only kept the bones
in articulated positions, but also retained some original soft tissues." The
report also stated, "This fossil also includes the contents of the
animal's stomach―its last meal."1"The fossil that was
discovered this past summer lived during the Age of Reptiles 80 million years
ago." (1)
Like the soft body Mosasaur, all have been rapidly buried, died, and then later exposed as uniform erosion has exposed them. Actually, if you compare them to the Mammoth finds in Siberia and Alaska, they were exposed in identical ways, so why are the Mammoths dated in thousand of years old and the marine reptiles @70-80 Millions of years past? So who makes these determinations, are they taking into account soft body tissue and known decay rates into consideration? Who ever heard of soft tissue surviving more than a few years no more than 60 millions? Trilobite's from supposedly 500 million years ago have been found recently in soft body also in New York State!
Like the soft body Mosasaur, all have been rapidly buried, died, and then later exposed as uniform erosion has exposed them. Actually, if you compare them to the Mammoth finds in Siberia and Alaska, they were exposed in identical ways, so why are the Mammoths dated in thousand of years old and the marine reptiles @70-80 Millions of years past? So who makes these determinations, are they taking into account soft body tissue and known decay rates into consideration? Who ever heard of soft tissue surviving more than a few years no more than 60 millions? Trilobite's from supposedly 500 million years ago have been found recently in soft body also in New York State!
When fossils don’t fit
the established dogma of evolution, explanations of "amazing" , "unbelievable"
etc. are used to excuse their out of place position and suggested oddity, not
to be included in an overall and more accurate picture of origin science.
http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/news/article_fe339138-dd7c-11df-87de-001cc4c002e0.html (1)http://www.icr.org/article/5704/ (2)
What is a Fossil and how are they made?
A fossil
fish have been found in Sandstone with a small fish in its mouth! - quick burial during dinner, you think!
does it take to make a fossil?
Quick Burial
Water & Minerals
Short Time
can take place very quickly, in a few years or less. In a class science lab, students 'fossilized'
a bone in a few days? So much
for Mrs. Plesiosaur needing 75 MY to 'Fossilize'! (1)
http://www.icr.org/article/hands-lesson-rapid-fossil-formation (1)
Time is Short!
You are Special and
Important to God!
You were Created in a
Vital time frame for a reason!
Time did not create you,
God has!
Use your life and time
for God!
Science falsely so-called is dangerous to true faith, the Faith that
Saves Us!!!
We hope you will study and find these truths helpful in your search for
truth - a truth that will lead you to the most important decision of your life,
to accept the Truth of the Bible and a saving faith in Jesus Christ, His son
sent for you! It's this simple, Jesus said; The Work of
God is this; to believe in the One He has Sent!. Jesus Christ paid the price for your ticket into the theater of God's
family. You can do it, He will change
you! He is the Author
of life and Truth, Creator of the Universe! God Bless you in this search, you are only a prayer away from having His Mighty
Power come into your heart and change you forever, I found Him, you can
Please walk through the other 17 topics on right tab to open September and October, covering vital topics about this important issue!
Creation Evidence - Soft Tissue
The earth’s magnetic field: evidence that the earth is young
▶ Fingerprints of Creation - Dr. Robert Gentry - YouTube
Copyrights 2014 by Mark D. Rose All rights reserved
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