Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Question of Fossils

The Karoo deposit in South Africa - 800 Billion Fossils

These deposits are immense and even after decades of fossil collecting, bones are still sticking out of the ground.  The Karoo formation is a water deposited sediment bed up to 20,000 ft thick.

Massive fossil graveyards of dinosaurs exist all over the world. The Morrison beds in North America, (covering thousands of sq. miles), the dinosaur beds in Montana, Alberta, the Dakotas, Colorado, Utah, Africa, Europe and China, etc., etc., contain literally millions of dinosaur fossils piled together in heaps. Ten thousand Hadrosaurs were found on Egg Mountain alone, jumbled together in a mass death. Would this happen under normal, uniform conditions? The answer is No. Think about it, they are all in water deposited sediments!

The Buffalo question-  Millions of buffalo were slaughtered on the North American plains during the last century, so multiplied thousands of fossil buffalo should be common but are any great buffalo fossil graveyards to be found? No. Their remains were disposed of by the normal ravages of the weather, scavengers, and decomposition.  So why are there great fossil graveyards of dinosaurs and thousands of other species where the bones of these beasts lie entombed in heaps, together with fossilized mammals, fish, insects, plants etc., testifying that they all perished together in a great mass death?

"Fossils are an embarrassment to evolutionists" - Dr. Gary Parker PhD.

Great fossil graveyards that exist in every major continent in the world. In these fossil graveyards vast numbers of creatures are violently mixed together. There are dinosaur graveyards in America and China with hundreds of dinosaurs mixed and buried together with clams, turtles and many other animals. Many fossil graveyards are high up in mountainous areas. In Sicily for example, four thousand feet above sea level on Mount Etna, there are two caves crammed with the bones of thousands of hippopotamus in each grave. On the island of Malta there are lions, tigers, mammoths, birds, beavers, hippopotamus, foxes and more all mixed together. One cave in Malta contains so many fossils that Malta's present size would not keep this awesome quantity fed for just one week!  In America, a death pit exists near Hollywood, with eagles, doves and approximately two hundred and fifty saber tooth tigers and fifty elephants. In Oregon there are beds with elephants, camels, cats, bison, mammoths and mastodon, whales and turtles, mice, lemurs, opossum, beaver and dozens of types of clams to name a few all in water sediment deposits. (1, 2)

 Oregon Fossils, Orr & Orr 2009, p.103, 196-201, 223-2. , Oregon Geology, Orr&Orr 2012, p.199 (1)
 Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms (2)

Along the Arctic coast, naturalists found thousands of mastodons laying out in the tundra, in Siberia, entire islands were made of bones and carcasses of the animals and many were found intact and washed in jumbles by the millions. In Antarctica, fossil beds abound.

In California, petrified fish, fossilized with mouths open, backs arched and fins spread, have been found. Many of these fish are partly on end with the body passing through two planes of rock-strata. By modern geology this would mean that the fish-tail is separated from its head by millions of years. That, of course, is not possible. There are approximately five fish per square foot over approximately four square miles. This equates to more than one billion fossilized fish!


These graveyards are dramatic evidence that an era of the world ended with enormous violence world-wide in scope.  Many Geologists and Paleontologists have an innate distaste for catastrophism, and that's understandable, Catastrophists easily identify every strata of sediment with a worldwide flood, layer upon layer in the rocks. The author experienced this in college geology classes, when professors were presented with this evidence they abandoned uniformity!  See Grand Canyon and Last Mountain Standing this series.

The Plesiosaur, the most common large marine fossil in the world, found buried in flood deposits thousands of feet high in the mountains?


Plesiosaur fossil and its skeletal diagram above, as in the picture of the recent Montana find, the skull is in cased in the sandstone block on the right.  Note that neither came with a tag saying, "I died 75 Million years ago".  How do they know?

Of interest is the water sediment burial common to all Plesiosaur fossils found around the Earth, in fact, these creatures initiated the hunt for dinosaurs in general due to their abundance.  Also noteworthy is one found in Kansas  (1) carrying a young pup, (perplexing to evolutionists, who assumed marine reptiles were egg layers), and two very recent findings, one near Livingston, Montana (pictured above) and another near Mitchell, Oregon (2)  both are located at high desert altitudes over 3000ft! Think of a watery catastrophe so massive as to catch a 25ft long Plesiosaur and preserve it in mud/sand in the mountains!  How do any of the finds not support a massive flood event!

Interestingly enough, evolutionary paleontologists quickly dated the 'mud' layers where these animals were found as 75 million years old, mainly because they contained the Plesiosaur they say lived at that time frame according to the chart of evolutionary time, not based on some outside method of dating!  Think of it, how can you catch a live Plesiosaur and quickly cover it in sediments?  (1)  (2)

Just offshore of Guadeloupe, in the West Indies, lies a formation of limestone dated as Miocene, or about 25 million years old. However, history records show that in the late 1700's many human skeletons---all indistinguishable from modern humans---were excavated from this limestone. One of the quarried specimens, ensconced in a 2-ton slab, was shipped to the British Museum. It arrived in 1812 and was placed on public display. But with the ascendance of Darwinism, the fossil skeleton was quietly spirited away to the basement. The discovery of these human remains has been well documented in the scientific literature.

to summarize, the Bible teaches that the entire world was inundated in a Global Flood, so what evidence would we expect to find? 

Please see the upper RH task bar and click on October and Sept to select the other 17 topics, including a multi-section on Geology and the Grand Canyon, don't miss it!

Reference; Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms
Videos;     Evidence for Creation (9) - Fossils/Cambrian Explosion
                 ▶ The Genesis Flood - Part 4, Michael Oard - YouTube 
                 Creation Evidence - Soft Tissue
                  MIT Dr. Walt Brown  Explains the Great Deep Breakup and latest evidence
                  ▶ The Hydroplate Theory - The Flood ( Newer version! ) - YouTube  10 min.

 Copyrights 2014 by Mark D. Rose  All rights reserved

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