Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Evolution Falsified I - The Fruit Fly

Life forms need planning, are complex and did not descend from one to another.
So can universal order in the natural world come about by accidents, chance and time, meaning all life came from mutations, beginning with mindless chemical's?  Or more directly, teaching that this bird, all DNA and you are a mutation?  Who has any right to call you a mutant?  That’s exactly the mechanism in which evolution is based, and it’s an assertion that we will show is absolutely wrong!

The Gulf from Single Cell to Multi-cellular life.
Once a single celled creature, always a single celled creature, the same for multi-celled types.
Life begets life, but boundaries exist between kinds and complexity.  So we have the world of classical evolution telling us that this upward mindless and self-creating motivation (or Common Decent as they like to call it) is fact.  Common Decent meaning the first cell started it all, mutated into more complex life and so on in a line of complexity and size, crossing gaps.  Now understanding the operating principals of the cell and DNA coding, these notions have come under intense scrutiny of late, even from those outside the community of faith.  Can we really cross this gulf without breaking the rules of logic, experience and common sense?  As Dr. Crick proposed, this is a lot of data, thousands of different codes for all types of life like the cell and bird above,  just like different software apps and programs.  Can a 4 million base code single-cell that supposedly 'self-formed'  can  'self-change'  into another and another without a plan for the next succeeding sage without intelligence acting upon it?  That’s what evolution theory claims, with mindless mutation it's engine and natural selection it's guiding hand!

A test you can do that's fun!
Setup a bird feeder fill it and note all the unique variety of birds that come to visit each morning.  Note that each species is unique and special.  You may see Chickadees, Thrush, Catbirds, Sparrows, Grossbeaks, Nuthatches and many more.  The list may also include Blue Brids Jays, Robins, Yellow FInch, I've even had Woodpeckers come and get into the act.  I know you will be amazed how may different types come to visit not to mention the differences in male and female. But wait, are there any BlueThush, Nutbeaks, Catsparrows or Chickafinch?  No, not a one!  But why?, its because each have unique DNA and reproduction boundaries.  If evolution were true, you should see some type of mutational changes and cross breeding occuring, right?,but no, not a one.  The entire planet is like this among all species down to insects and even bacteria. See the topic the Question of Data and you will get the picture.  Evolutionists want you to believe the changes are happening very slowly, but all these are found as fossils the same as they are today and since man has walked the earth!
How do we test for evolutions operation?
If we start with single cell life in the laboratory, shouldn’t we be able to create new kinds, or even improved versions, if evolution is true?   But we see a cell mechanism that’s based on a closed code with no apparatus to add information, no reading heads like your computer has, correct? So how does it add new information for new anatomies to function, by itself?  Has evolution been observed to actually work?  We will see…

Good Science in the Lab has falsified Evolution
Research has been conducted to speedup evolutionary potentials using time& generations in the laboratory to prove that evolution works.   So how can we speed up time?  As we have shown, life forms, even those indescribably small are very, very complex.  So to make things simple, two life forms were chosen by scientists because of their fast reproductive cycles; the bacteria Ecoli, and the fruit fly Drosophila.

In summary, these were subjected to every conceivable variable and environment to call out variations through thousands of generations over time, hoping to bring about positive mutations and hopefully, make new forms to prove evolution works, somehow.
In the case of the bacteria, 40,000 generations were tested and no substantial changes were observed over a 20 year period.
Mutations in Fruit flies - does this look good?     Ecoli  = Ecoli after 40,000 generations!
No matter how hard the best scientists in the  In the end, a fruit fly was a fruit fly (with corrupted wings and changes in eye color), and a bacteria was a bacteria!  When the core data on the bacteria was studied, it was found that the most changes came early in the generational timeline but effected very little (such as resistance to various drugs, deformations), then change flattened out for the last 3/4 of the 20 year experiment.  This shows that pre-designed boundaries of variation/adaptation were exhibited physiologically, but then hit boundaries and could change no further. 

So we have evolution, the Darwinian trans-kind of mutation based evolution, falsified in the laboratory.  Push as they may in controlled conditions, the fly and bacteria reacted exactly as it's programming limits directed by the DNA allows for its kind, no more and no less.

So what we know about the cell mechanism's and DNA played out perfectly with no surprises!  Evolution was falsified - again,  just as we observe living on Earth today, with no transitional accidental types being born or living in observation.

Tompkins, Jeffery P. Design and complexity of the Cell 2012 p 30 (1)

Micro-Evolution Misrepresented Macro-Evolution?

The Dog kind.  Starting in size from Chiwawa to the Great Dane, a dog is a dog.   Pure genetic information (as contained in all the original 'kinds' at the beginning of earth -life) can be manipulated through breeding to bring out different useful traits, plus adaptation to the environment (long/short hair as an example) and no more.  In fact, breeders can selectively cross-breed and get the code back in new offspring, that’s not evolution, that’s just great pre-planning in knowing how to use the DNA code!

And how about individual personalities in the same breeds?  If evolution were true, shouldn't these be erased and each doggie have the exact same personality and characteristics if they were a product of mindlessness?  But no they don't, the Creator has instilled individuality and personalities in animals and as we know, People!   And what about feelings, sad/happy/angry/jealousy/etc? and bread instincts?  One of our dogs, a sheep dog, would corner and heard a white soccer ball before it ever saw a sheep as a puppy!  Now isn't it sad that evolution attempt's to pirate the vast creative abilities of the Creator of life and call it all mindlessly self-made!   Instinctive breeding is very useful for mankind in all domestic animals and its no accident, its in their DNA!
A 'Kind' boundary is also be related to reproduction ability, a common identifier to determine speciation.  When different kinds exceed reproduction boundaries, such as the horse, donkey and mule series, (1) where the offspring, mules, are sterile, so  a wall is hit.  So if animals mate and produce some kind of mutation, it stands to reason a female and male must somehow find each other and be productive.  But in observation, experience and reality, this has never happened, they are always sterile or deformed!  (1)

In the realm of religion, the Bible does have a hint for us;
"For since the Creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that man is without excuse."
Invisible qualities - Micro-sized Axial Proton powered motors, code systems and cells
Seen - see them with only the most powerful imaging sensors
Made - Intelligence acting on Matter
Without  excuse - proof that a Watchmaker exists and wants to communicate with us!

The Passionflower - Unexplainable beauty
Engaging truth?

Many in science and education are accusing people who discuss these ideas as "back-door evangelizing" and promoting a belief in God.  But is this a valid argument regarding origins ideas? Who has the right to accuse as such when obviously evolutionists have faith also - in time and absence of intelligence acting on matter!  That’s a belief system based on faith, but evolutionists want a monopoly claiming to be "scientific" meaning if any thought that intelligence is involved, such a deduction is automatically unscientific!  So if one says there's good reason to believe God did it by common sense and observation, that's just as valid a belief as theirs, so such accusations are patently invalid and outside the realm of operational science.  A person should be able to say, "I believe God did this" and have just as strong or stronger logical position as anyone who claims it came about without God.
How can evolutionists give themselves privilege judging those who believe differently to be wrong and "religious" because of a faith they don’t share!  That’s arrogance, they excuse anything that suggests a higher intelligence invalid and automatically unscientific!  In a way they are making themselves Gods over origins thinking, so we actually enter the realm of mind control, like communist countries that manipulate and brainwash people to protect their system of belief by force.  So origins beliefs should be a personal decision not related to ones intelligence or ability to teach or work in science, but unfortunately teachers and scientists that mention God as a possible answer to the origin of life are ostracized and often removed from positions by institutions who have the power to do so, just like what happens in communist countries, and maybe worse in America the land of the free!  Truth is truth and we need to be free to believe it!


It take's a pile of faith to imagine an ion motor, a cell or a Passion Flower came about from self-made nothingness.  Such a view is revealing of the core philosophy of those who embrace evolution as the only answer of life origin.  Like a 747 or a Proton Motor, no one believes it formed itself.  See the" Question of Origins" topic.

The Gaps in the fossil record, when questioned closely, have perplexed honest Zoologists for decades.
Dr. Collin Patterson, Zoology Director of the British Museum for many years was making comments like below to inside circles in the 1980's before his passing in 1992.

"One day I was thinking that after studying this stuff for over 20 years, that there isn't one thing that I know about it, that is true.  I asked this question to various people and groups, including a very prestigious group of evolutionists in Chicago, and all I got was silence for a long time and then someone spoke up, "well, I know one thing, it shouldn't be taught in High School". 
The author personally interviewed Dr. Patterson about this comment and he affirmed its accuracy and context.   Though not a public advocate of Intelligent Design, Dr. Patterson in no way opposed my understanding of origins as presented here.  He confirmed my observations of living animal gaps with no intermediates between, I mentioning my experience and observations in Alaska, to this his comment was; "My friends in the tropics tell me the same thing".  He closed the conversation saying - "May you be successful in your quest for truth".

Please view all 17 posts by opening the September and October posts on the right hand ask bar!

Scientists that dispute evolution;
DarwinAd4.qxd - 100ScientistsAd.pdf 

Videos - Evidence for Creation (12) The Giraffe
              DNA - God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence

 Copyrights 2014 by Mark D. Rose All rights reserved

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