Monday, September 16, 2013

The Question of Complexity - Bacteria Motors?

A Question of Complexity - Bacteria Motors?


First life and cell complexity, a question that must be answered  
In the early earth story of life's origin, evolutionists tell us various chemicals collected in small ponds then from these parts of biochemical forms self-assembled into amino acids (the building blocks of proteins; cell material). After more time these amino acids further self-assembled into proteins, then cells, the building blocks of life. Now think about this, the leap from an element to a protein, then from a protien to a cell is quite a task without help, like saying we have aluminum, copper, rubber and all, then sprang forth a 747! That’s a small statement about a very big thing when speaking of life and origins. One of the proponents of this theory was Dr. Dean Kenyon, outlined in his popular book, Chemical Predestination. Here, Dr. Kenyon asserted that the valences of the various chemical compounds self-attracted into organized structures, saving the idea of mindless self-assembly of the amino's as required by evolution. It should be noted that Kenyon later abandoned his theory and became a strong promoter of Intelligent Design, one scientific issue being the necessity of the DNA to evolve in synchronization along with cell operation, an impossibility without intelligence, so Kenyon switched sides. This excellent video demonstrates the complexity of cell formation and includes live comments by Dr. Kenyon.

Video -
▶ Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Chapter 10 of 12) - YouTube 

From Poisons to complex and functioning life?  
In 1952 when scientists like Miller attempted to duplicate this process, they did get acids, more accurately - lethal poisons!  “It has become apparent that organizing simple molecules into assemblies capable of reproducing and evolving is a far greater task than was generally realized during the excitement that followed the experiment”. (1) Note they added just the right compounds known in cells to get an acid, but were stopped cold as far as any life making goes.  Now as these stories are told and retold with artist conceptions of self-making life and  cell's start springing from the textbook pages and into our minds as a “probable” explanations, that eventually become beliefs. Such experiments have long been suspended as failures.
The finding of immense complexity -
The DNA sequence strand and a coding equivalent of 2GB of data for humans!
When more powerful microscopes became available in the 1960's, an amazing finding was made; the discovery of the DNA coding strand in the cell by Dr. Francis Crick.(1) This strand of highly organized chemical units were found to contain the coded technical instructions to build life on a chemical tape so to speak, directing the operation and work of the cell.  This finding revolutionized man's understanding of life's complexity, now observing the complex operations going on in a cell. This triple base "life code" uses the same language in all living things from amoeba to man, and is seen to be exactly the same since life first formed! That’s a long time for a code and mechanism to stay the same don’t you think?, unless life came to earth no so long ago!  One should consider the contradiction of absolute stasis in cell compared the the amazing power of evolution self-changing from a single cell to all the life forms on Earth, how can that work?

A Complex Analogy
Could this point to a common Super-Intelligent source or support the accidental probability of evolution self creating new life forms through mutations?  One scientist summed it up concerning accidental cell assembly from dead chemicals is; "equivalent to a tornado sweeping through a junk yard and producing a 747 airliner!"
Many operations in the cell is well explained using analogies of computer operation.  The DNA code size for people would be over 2GB!  A cell has a copy machine, data reading heads, an archive, energy sources and conversion systems, replication capability and assembly factories all smaller than visible. Dr. Crick, seeing this complexity, postulated that the code and operation must have come from an external source not from this planet; "An alternative to Earthly abiogenesis is the hypothesis that primitive life may have originally formed extraterrestrially (either in space, on Mars or elsewhere).(1)  In other words Dr.Crick couldn't imagine this micro-complexity occurring by accidental and naturalistic means, so he reckoned it must have come from a Super Intelligence outside our Planet!  In truth, Dr. Crick was hinting at God! (1) 
Wikipedia; See DNA and Francis Crick

A closer look inside the first "simple" life form

Prokaryote bacteria - the first known cell, or one of many created together?
A Prokaryote bacteria is considered the first single-cell animal, claimed to have been found among the oldest known rocks on Earth. However, when closely studied with electron computer imaging we find this tiny creature amazingly complex, made with many millions of molecules operating in perfect order like the 747!  "The genetic material (DNA), in most bacteria contains some 4.7 million base pairs. Stretched out, this DNA molecule would be about 1,000 times longer than the bacterium itself".  (2)  The DNA is just the software, what about all the other systems that work, read, duplicate (The DNA of bacteria alone replicate error-free at an amazing rate 30,000 "letters" per minute) and assemble in the cell!  As we can see, dead chemicals becoming life are a big deal, and explaining this gap away with a few drawings and words is entirely over-simplistic. (2,3)  (1) (2) (3)

A Prokaryote has a motor? Yes, one powered by protons and with a spinning center shaft!
Electron microscope side view image of the Prokaryote ion powered Axial motor. Notice the rotor shaft oriented in vertical center, protruding out the top of the image allowing free rotation.  These so called "simple" life forms incorporate this amazingly complex device to propel them, the Axial Flagellum Proton-powered motor. This unit has a spinning axial shaft to propel itself like a motor powered boat!  Millions of dollars are being spent to understand the operation of this engine, and many questions remain about its actual operation and what controls it.  Interesting thing is, a Prokaryote is thought to be the primordial cell, or first one out of the soup in evolutionary terms.  Now that the technology has become more adapt to study them, the issue of complexity has become staggering.  Researches are often at a loss for words to describe these micro-machines, the papers documenting the various operational characteristics lengthy, complex and conducted by major institutions.  A few examples are quoted for further study;

Structure of the Flagellar Motor Protein Complex PomAB: Implications for the Torque-Generating Conformation

MO-1 Japanese article


Diagram of the Axial Flagellum Motor found in many bacteria. 
Parts have labels like 'rotor' and 'stator', identical to modern AC electric powered motors, the propelling tail has found to be almost 100% efficient and a complex wonder in it's own right. The motor is powered using hydrogen ions (protons) and in some cases sodium ions, the charges acting on fixed 'poles' arranged at clock locations around the free spinning rotor shaft.  The shaft is connected to its propeller or ‘flagella’.  No one knows exactly how these motors work or even start turning, but motive energy is charged and discharged at the proper time to control speed and direction of the 'rotor' turning shaft by acting on the "coils".  AC electric motors require a "start circuit' to begin rotation, and may not change direction of rotation like this motor can. This motor incorporates a very complicated controller to pulse the drive, metering out s small handful of ions.  One paper claims to have measured the normal ion feed per coil at 32, +/- 2!  e. coli has 11 coils and turned at several hundreds of RPM. Some species turn @ 100,000 rpm. X 10 coils would equal 1,000,000 proton pulses per minute!  It's been determined that these motors also have a torque sensor, and via a feedback loop instruct the creature to run at differing speeds and direction, like forward and back to get unstuck or move to a more favorable area, not bad for a single cell!  These speed changes are also activated in digital steps, exactly like a PLC (programmable logic controller), the same that operate robots and modern motors!   

Now think about this for a moment - during the early growth and development of these creatures, the protein structures at some point would be directed by the DNA to form cylinder shaped objects with very tight clearances, then somehow breakaway to form the free spinning rotor shaft!  To postulate evolutionary self-development of all these close tolerance components with zero intelligence would take quite a tale to spin, but to save the theory they still try!
Please take time to view the video below on this biological wonder and share it with your friends! 
 ▶ Unlocking the Mystery of Life - Irreducible Complexity Clip - YouTube

The MO-1, a 7 motor bacteria with a gearbox!  This 2012 Japanese discovery baffled the microbiological world with it's uncanny complexity.  Think of it, not one but seven proton synchronized motors interconnected with a planetary gearbox.  The 7 Flagella propellers are inter-linked for minimum drag profile and maximum thrust by using 24 gears and a sheath, similar to modern aircraft and mufti-engined helicopters!  See these links for more information.(1)

Modern AC motor  
Diagram of a superconductor motor showing a 'stator' & 'rotor' and turning shaft.
The Axial Proton Motor arrangement is almost identical to modern AC (alternating current) brushless  motors first invented by Nicolai Tesla in about 1888 that changed the world.  They said it couldn't be done! (1) Think of it, a proton powered unit with no wires, bearings or metal, and 1/200,000 smaller than mans best device, 'invented' long before Tesla!  Amazingly, the prokaryote motor can drive this little creature @ relative speeds of 50 BL (body lengths)/second and the MO-1 100 B/L/Sec.!  A Cheetah achieves a land speed of only 25BL/ comparison and that's in air, not fluid!  (1)
 A test of evolution hypothesis you can do

Assembled DC motor project
So here is a simple test of Evolution Vs Intelligent Design you can do yourself-
Purchase a motor kit ready to assemble.  Read the instructions, wind the rotors, setup the whisker brushes, assemble the armature and commutator and add a battery and if completed correctly, the motor will spin.  If so, Congratulations! you have applied intelligence to matter and created something that works, Intelligent Design is proven.
Unassembled motor kit above
Now, disassemble all the parts and pile them on the table and wait.  If they don’t self-assemble, congratulations, you have just falsified Evolutionary Theory.  It claims with enough time, anything biological can occur, well, a motor is a motor, right?  Now actually you cheated in this experiment because you selecting the correct parts (like Miller did), but still you falsified the theory anyway!  And of course, this motor is far simpler that the proton powered unit in the bacteria!

Same experiment with bio-chemicals

"Its starting to smell"

So order the chemicals that make amino acids mix them up and wait….the end result would be the same, dead chemicals decaying in a flask! (don't taste them, Miller got poisons!)

In summary, one of the most marvelous technological wonders on earth, an axial proton powered motor, is found in the biological world !  Only a Super-Intelligence acting on matter could create such a marvel.   One must ask, how can evolutionary mindlessness self-create such advanced technology as proved in the above experiments without any guidance?  What would be the transitional forms and successions if mindless evolution was the only 'force' to make such a bio-device, and how many non-working intermediate 'mistakes' would it take to complete this complex working unit, all by accidents!  As this motor is found in the first single-celled life form, how could chemical soup form that!, or,  is the whole concept of evolutionary origins just wrong.  Many are now asking that same question. 

Is it logical that mindless mutations would have form and function design goals?  Doesn’t working things require planning first to achieve an end result that works, applying intelligence to matter?  Don't you think it would take a lot of faith to believe a proton motor or 7 in 1 MO-1 came from matter with no intelligence applied? Evolution asks you to have a such faithHere's better explanation; all life was placed on Earth, designed to live together in ecosystems as we observe today!  Yes, there sure is. 

In fact, the Prokaryotes mentioned actually live inside you now, they are also classed as e. coli! 

Scientists Who Refuse to support Evolution;
A world-famous chemist tells the truth: there’s no scientist alive today who understands macroevolution | Uncommon Descent  
DarwinAd4.qxd - 100ScientistsAd.pdf

Click on the next topic in the upper RH task bar, open the Sept or Oct posts for 17 more! - Thank You! 

Copyright 2014 by Mark D. Rose  All rights reserved

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